Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Pony Princess, Day 2

Believe it or not I was stuck on how to number things -- Day 1 was easy but then I crapped out the next day so is today Day 2 or Day 3? Really not worth spending much time on. I've decided to number each ride sequentially so Day 2 for Ginny is her 2nd ride since the beginning of this master plan of mine.

Phew, glad to get that out of the way.

So I refired my determination and did ride Ginny today. I am expecting a mare to foal and must admit I've gotten lax about turnout for the other horses in the barn. I guess I'm thinking if Miss About-to-Deliver doesn't go out, ain't nobody going out. Or actually, I am overtired and not thinking at all. As a result, there was a bit more "spirit" to Ginny today than usual. I started out doing groundwork with her in the arena but she was making funny little "I'm going to explode" squeals as she trotted around me. So I free-longed her, if that's the proper word for "I took off her halter and let 'er rip". She did a lot of galloping and bucking, and a leg-snapping trot. She also fell boom after a particularly enthusiastic spin-and-buck. She might have been a teeny bit stiff after that but nothing serious.

I took her out to the round pen which has deep footing, wanting to capitalize on her energy and build some muscle. That tired her out pretty quickly! She remained a bit squirrelly though. Squirrelly for Ginny really does mean "showing a normal level of alertness". Still and all, if you're not used to it...

She walked out much more enthusiastically today under saddle. My first reaction was nervousness since, well, she doesn't generally walk out nicely! I was temporarily worried that it meant she was TOO aware of things going on which might lead to... I don't know what. And I don't want to know.

But she was just fine. I didn't trot but did stay on her longer. I have to bring an actual watch or other timing device out with me so I can be more precise about durations. It was definitely longer though!


verylargecolt said...

We just need a clock in the arena. It drives me nuts that there isn't one. I like to time how much work they get.

Josie said...

There IS a clock, it's a "Where's the Fruitbat?" clock in fact. It's kind of hard to read though. I should move it somewhere else and put it at eye level.