Friday, June 13, 2008

Because I was looking for something to do with my copious spare time...

...NOT! :)

I am helping Cathy out with the Frankie the BGY (was that his moniker? big gold yearling?) while she continues riding the Small Spotted Gelding. I will be doing groundwork with the BGY, none of that fancy schmancy riding stuff for me, no sir-ee. But the lack of riding in this case is because the BGY is a mere 15 months old.

And the size of a house. What's in the water where Cathy's horses come from? I swear the BGY has grown a hand in 2-3 months. In fact, that's my one-sentence review of tonight's training session: he is large, and his butt seems really close to me. It's already no fun to have him walk straight through me -- don't want to wait any longer to define that personal space bubble, that's for sure!

Just as Cathy has to remember that Cecil is a baby, I have to remember that Frankie is REALLY a baby. Actually he does a pretty good job of reminding me, since he has a case of juvenile ADOH (Attention Deficit... Oh, hi!). Seriously though, considering that he has been out in a pasture goofing off until TONIGHT (roughly 1/2 hour before his lesson began) and that there were horses with him in the arena, he really did very well. With practice he'll be a star!


hope4more said...

I just got done reading the VLC blog and heard the BGY did pretty good. As well as your little SSG! Way to go girls!

Your new little one is adorable!

fuglyhorseoftheday said...

LOL! He will get better. The good thing is that he likes people. It really is my fault - he was handled incessantly all last spring and summer and then...

it got cold

it got wet

it was dark where he lived (pasture quite far from the barn)

I hate the cold and wet, and the dark doesn't help. So I didn't do much with him other than occasionally pulling him out to deworm and have his feet trimmed, and giving him butt scratches when I fed in the AM.

I am a much better horse owner when I live in California...

Josie said...

Oh gee, our crop of colts was handled even IN the winter (since we had the indoor arena), and they still needed (and need) remedial manners lessons. BGY tried very hard to understand why he and his coltish brothers weren't just out there playing... this work ethic is alien to their nature. He's a sweetie and he'll do great.

Heidi the Hick said...

hahaha... my daughter and I both have ADOS.

Attention Deficit Oh Shiny.

Seems a lot of horses have it too...